Tess Jenkins: A self portrait. The Body: Vol 4.

Last week we had a group critique on our recent brief. My aim was to create a series of books which take the form of self portrait.

Here is a preview of one of my books which was based on “The Body”. It aims to take the exterior form of my body and contain elements of the body. The work is in it’s early stages but it is taking good shape I think.







Book binding musings.

This is me in the process of book making for my series of artist books focused on the theme of self-portraiture.

The reason I have chosen artist books as a platform for a self portrait is because it can be added to afterwards not effecting past additions. The traditional one object or one painting as a form of self-portrait seems too linear and to the point for me. A person is multi-dimensional and therefore, I believe, that a person should be represented by several separate outcomes to reference each part of them. Books are also a good platform for this project because they can be both very personal and inward (in the form of a diary or journal) but also very objective and universal (in forms such as non fiction). Both of which I am trying (and struggling) to capture in this piece of work.

More pictures my book making progress to be posted soon.
