Assessment day!

Today is our formative assessment day so I’ve cleaned my desk (finally!) and set my work out nicely.

This is what it’s turned out like:



Setting it out like this has made me realise how much (or little) I’ve done and how much time has been split between the two projects.

It also shows off my medal project as the more successful of the two. It’s stronger, more coherent and makes more sense!



Artist books: An inspiration.

Yesterday I went to an artist book session at the university library. There is a lovely collection of various artist books in our library and we had an amazing opportunity to handle them ourselves.

We spent some time debating what makes it book and is it still a book if it doesn’t take the traditional form?

Even though my books will look like traditional books from the outside (or at least I hope they will) they will contain something unexpected. This is where I can apply some if the concepts I learnt in this artist book reading.

Here is a selection of books I found compelling, interesting and aesthetically striking:





Book binding musings.

This is me in the process of book making for my series of artist books focused on the theme of self-portraiture.

The reason I have chosen artist books as a platform for a self portrait is because it can be added to afterwards not effecting past additions. The traditional one object or one painting as a form of self-portrait seems too linear and to the point for me. A person is multi-dimensional and therefore, I believe, that a person should be represented by several separate outcomes to reference each part of them. Books are also a good platform for this project because they can be both very personal and inward (in the form of a diary or journal) but also very objective and universal (in forms such as non fiction). Both of which I am trying (and struggling) to capture in this piece of work.

More pictures my book making progress to be posted soon.


Sketching away.

A few snaps from my sketchbook. Been dabbling in mono-print, image transfer and Lino recently as well as indulging in my usual random mark making techniques. Let me know what you think.





New Year, New Desk.

Almost a week and a half ago now, I started back at Cardiff School of Art and Design for my second year of Artist Designer:Maker. I’ve got a fab new desk with lots of natural light and I promise to keep it cleaner and more organised this year. Another promise this year is I will keep up with my blog! Updating as much as I possibly can through my progress this year.

P.s. Excuse the random chairs in this picture i’m hopefully going to rip them apart and make something awesome.
